Medifast Leanest Diet Plan :

This item was filled under ,


Parts of a 7 oz (cooked weight) Selected

Plus 2 Serving healthy fat.

• fish: cod,, Flounder haddock, orange roughy, grouper,

tilapia, Mahi Mahi, tuna (yellowfin steak or canned in

) Water, Wild Cat

• Shellfish: shrimp, scallop, crab, lobster

• Game meat: deer, buffalo, Elks

• Ground turkey or other meat: 98 =% lean

• Meatless Options:

• 14 egg whites

EggBeaters of 2 • Cup ®

• 2 boca burgers ®, MorningStar Farms ®, or Garden

Burger ® patties, or less than 6 other types of

PT per gram of carbohydrate


Parts of a 6 oz (cooked weight) Select

Plus 1 fat serving healthy.

• fish: swordfish, trout, halibut

• Chicken: breast or white meat, without skin

• Ground turkey or other meat: 95 - 97% lean

• Turkey: light meat

• Meatless Options:

• 15 oz extra firm - tofu

• 2 whole eggs,4 eggs white than

LEAN :  

Parts of a 5 oz (cooked weight) Select

- Add a healthy fat serving.

• Fish, fish, tuna (bluefin steak), farmed insects,

mackerel, herring

Steak, roast, ground: • Go beef

• Lamb

• pig or pork tenderloin chops

• Ground turkey or other meat: 85 - 94% lean

• Chicken or Turkey: Dark Meat

• Meatless Options:

• 15 oz firm or soft tofu

• 3 whole eggs (limit to once a week) cross

Select meat and meatless protein that inquiry, gravel, broiled, or poached - not fried are.

Please note: service ounces cooked weight (not raw) represent.

Go Options

Fat serving healthy options:

Add 0 - 2 times every day you selected on the basis of lean. A serving is

Equal one of the following:

• 1 teaspoon oil (canola, flaxseed, walnut, or olive)

• 5 - 6 black or green olives

High carbohydrate salad dressing 2 tablespoons ? above (should

Provide ~ 5 grams of fat and <6 grams of carbohydrates per serving)

• 1 teaspoon trans fat free margarine

Other fats can be used to choose the less we are advised

Saturated fat and international (such as the example).


For additional options and contact list

More detailed information.

Food boca BocaBurger ® is a registered trademark of the company

Gardenburger ® & good hearty food company is a registered trademark

MorningStar Farms ® Kellogg Company is a registered trademark

For More Details visit Medifast Website here

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